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Contract de munca in Anglia destul de dubios

Situatia este urmatoarea:
Am aplicat online la un post disponibil la un hotel foarte respectat din Londra, mi sa transmis un chestionar l-am completat , dupa ce a fost trimis chestionarul .. am primit un raspuns afrmativ cum ca ar dori sa ma angajeze si mi-au trimis un contract semnat de catre hotel cu salariul stipulat in el plus inca o semnatura a unui birou de avocatura londonez.Intrebarea este ma pot increde in harta asta? daca ceva nu e asa cum este stipulat in ea...pot face ceva? vreo actiune legala exista? Mentionez ca nu am fost la nici un interviu personal doar in scris sa intamplat toata comunicarea intre parti
in cele ce urmeaza am sa v-a prezint datele contractului.
This is an agreement reached between Ritz Hotel, hereby referred to as the first party or employer and the applicant
hereby referred to as the second party or employee and the Russell Jones & Walker as the third party and our solicitor.
You are to read this letter carefully before signing it, so as to know if you agree to the terms and conditions stated in it.
 You have been offered the position of a _________________________________ at Ritz Hotel.
 Your employment date will commence on __________________________________.
 We have agreed to pay you the sum of £4,850GBP as your monthly salary, excluding other employer's
 Your performance will be reviewed periodically and the Ritz Hotel shall make adjustments to your salary as
it sees fit.
 You cannot carry forward any unutilized annual leave to the next year. Any leave balance at the end of the
calendar year shall be forfeited.
 All leave applications must be made in writing and at least seven (7) days in advance and shall be approved
at the absolute discretion of the Ritz Hotel.
 You are under the obligation to abide by the United Kingdom Laws while in London.
 This letter of appointment shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England
 BASIC MONTHLY SALARY: £4,850.00 GBP only. Travel Insurance and Medical Insurance.
 HOUSING & FURNISHINGS: £2,850.00 GBP (Yearly).
 After your one month probationary (training/orientation) period here in the Ritz Hotel, you will
be expected to resume working at posted location in the Ritz Hotel, London.
 Work Hours: Mondays through Fridays, Time: 7.00am to 3:55pm with break period of 2hrs hours
only, beginning from 12.00noon to 2.00pm. Fridays are work free day for our Muslims Employees.
 Employees shall also be entitled to over-time allowance if their work time exceeds the official
stipulated hours. Salary shall be liable to increments with time and employees' official promotions and
position in service.
 Employees are entitled to (2) times leave in a year, the duration of the leave is one month each.
Employee will receive £1,850.00 GBP take home for each leave period.
 Two months’ salary of £9,700 (Inclusive of all allowances & benefits) shall be paid in advance
before any employee relocates to new job location after the necessary documentation being specified below
has been cleared.
 All payments of salary after assumption of duty in Ritz Hotel London shall be made in full to the
salary account of the Employer. This is in line with the British Expatriate Financial Statutory Laws.
 Employee is expected to reside at the Ritz Hotel’s Housing Estate if they so wish. There are double
bedroom and flat options for Employee to choose from. Family package status is available for Employee that
wishes to relocate with Family.
 Employee is entitled to take meals free of charge at the general staff canteens. Dietary option,
customized cooks and dieticians are available options
Note that, the Ritz Hotel would be responsible to pay for all your traveling expenses and
documentations, which include your VISA, FLIGHT TICKET, FOREIGN AFFAIRS CERTIFICATION,
The only documentation which you will be required to pay for, so as to enable you to work here in the UK is
the RESIDENCE WORK PERMIT DOCUMENTATION, under the TIER 2 cases of Work Permit
All this information would be giving to you as soon as the immigration consultants contacts you.
You should also note that your employment here at the Ritz Hotel, would be considered under the TIER 2
CASES work permit application scheme and your are entitled to work for a period of 60 months (i.e. 5
years) or above if you which to extend your employment here at the Ritz Hotel or with some other
Please confirm your acceptance of the above terms and conditions and your agreement of payment being
required by signing and returning to us the scanned copy of this letter.
The Russell Jones & Walker, our solicitors in this case is acting as our legal advisers and a lawyer, so as to
avoid future misunderstanding and also as acting as a third party to the terms and conditions stated in this
letter and it’s agreement.
Thanks for your co-operation and we are looking forward to seeing you here at the Ritz Hotel London to share your
ideas to build up this great organization.
Joanne Meredith,---- ea este directoarea resurselor umane
Head of Human Resources Ritz Hotel Applicants Name Signature
Russell Jones & Walker - ei sunt firma de avocatura care are si ea semnatura pe acest contract
Cel mai recent răspuns: Cornel Vasile , Consilier juridic 18:05, 21 Mai 2012
acelasi contract l-am primit si eu.. ca idee , spune-mi tie ce post ti-au oferit?
Marketing Assistant.
SALUT! Am patit acelasi lucru ajungand pana la Visa Form si Work Permit.Tin sa precizez ca am urmat toti pasii pe care i-ati mentionat mai sus si culmea maine vroiam sa depun bani pt ele .Dar ca masura de precautie am zis sa dau un search pe GOOGLE si sa vad ce scrie pe forum despre firmele respective.Nu sunt nici naiv dar am luat anuntul de pe bestjobs cum probabil ati patit toti.Era prea dubios salariul pt un imigrant si cred ca m-ati intors din prostia pe care era sa o fac.Se pare ca nu exista acea firma .......Toate bune si multumim Google si avocat.net
acelasi lucru am primit si eu...tin si eu sa multumesc google, avocatnet.ro si celor care au avut binevointa sa informeze si pe altii despre teapa...o zi faina!
Ultima modificare: Joi, 23 Iunie 2011
Mexxes, utilizator
Salutare si multumiri initiatorului topicului si site'ului www.avocatnet.ro
A primit si prietena mea aceeasi "oferta" si pentru a se asigura ca este in regula a sunat direct la hotel [ link extern ]
de unde i s-a comunicat ca este o mare teapa si ca politia din Londra ii cauta deja pe acesti impostori. Teapa este foarte bine gandita, pana si numerele de telefon(702 > 207) si adresele de mail seamana.

O zi buna tuturor,
Ultima modificare: Luni, 27 Iunie 2011
LeBAD, utilizator

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