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Traducem o poezie?

Textul e mai jos, provocarea e sa o traducem intr-o forma cat mai corecta si fluenta, astfel incat cititorul de limba romana sa poata intelege atat spiritul cat si forma poeziei.

Premiul e publicarea poeziei declarate ca fiind cea mai buna traducere intr-o editie de weekend a Avocatnet.ro, intr-un articol special dedicat acestei poezii.

Ce spuneti? Merita incercat?

Iata poezia:

Titlul este: The Old Astronomer to His Pupil sau, o alta denumire sub care este cunoscuta, The Old Astronomer.

Autorul este Sarah Williams
[ link extern ]

Reach me down my Tycho Brahe, I would know him when we meet,
When I share my later science, sitting humbly at his feet;
He may know the law of all things, yet be ignorant of how
We are working to completion, working on from then to now.

Pray remember that I leave you all my theory complete,
Lacking only certain data for your adding, as is meet,
And remember men will scorn it, 'tis original and true,
And the obliquy of newness may fall bitterly on you.

But, my pupil, as my pupil you have learned the worth of scorn,
You have laughed with me at pity, we have joyed to be forlorn,
What for us are all distractions of men's fellowship and wiles;
What for us the Goddess Pleasure with her meretricious smiles.

You may tell that German College that their honor comes too late,
But they must not waste repentance on the grizzly savant's fate.
Though my soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light;
I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.

What, my boy, you are not weeping? You should save your eyes for sight;
You will need them, mine observer, yet for many another night.
I leave none but you, my pupil, unto whom my plans are known.
You "have none but me," you murmur, and I "leave you quite alone"?

Well then, kiss me, -- since my mother left her blessing on my brow,
There has been a something wanting in my nature until now;
I can dimly comprehend it, -- that I might have been more kind,
Might have cherished you more wisely, as the one I leave behind.

I "have never failed in kindness"? No, we lived too high for strife,
Calmest coldness was the error which has crept into our life;
But your spirit is untainted, I can dedicate you still
To the service of our science: you will further it? you will!

There are certain calculations I should like to make with you,
To be sure that your deductions will be logical and true;
And remember, "Patience, Patience," is the watchword of a sage,
Not to-day nor yet to-morrow can complete a perfect age.

I have sown, like Tycho Brahe, that a greater man may reap;
But if none should do my reaping, 'twill disturb me in my sleep
So be careful and be faithful, though, like me, you leave no name;
See, my boy, that nothing turn you to the mere pursuit of fame.

I must say Good-bye, my pupil, for I cannot longer speak;
Draw the curtain back for Venus, ere my vision grows too weak:
It is strange the pearly planet should look red as fiery Mars,
God will mercifully guide me on my way amongst the stars.
În iunie ar fi perfect. În prima decadă, cel mai bine , că apoi vine vacanţa şi ne lenevim :)
Dumneavoastra traduceti si eu ma stradui sa "o aduc in rima" :">
Felicitari pentru initiativa! :luck:
Am ales strofa a sasea..la citirea in diagonala am vazut un "kiss" si m-am gandit la ....altceva:">

Ei bine, saruta-ma! De cand mama si-a lasat binecuvantarea pe fruntea mea
A fost ceva in fiinta mea , ceva ce mi-am dorit pana acum
Este ceva ce pot sa inteleg destul de putin - as fi putut sa fiu mai bun
Si sa te pretuiesc mai intelept , la fel cum am pretuit-o pe mama mea.

Si acum ceva cu rima::)

Astept sa ma saruti de cand mama mi-a lasat pe frunte-al sau sarut
De cand in mine arde-un un lucru ce m-a framantat de mult
Ceva ce pot sa inteleg acum putin- mai bun as fi putut sa fiu
Sa te pretuiesc mai mult, cum am facut cand am fost al ei fiu.

E mai greu decat pare la prima vedere..
@fici, daca puteti sa scoateti ceva mai bun din strofa asta, be my guest!:) Va mai pregatesc ceva pentru maine...

Eu pana ajung la sfarsit, uit de unde si cu ce am inceput...Greu.
Ideea e buna!
@ela david a scris "E mai greu decat pare la prima vedere..
@fici, daca puteti sa scoateti ceva mai bun din strofa asta, be my guest! Va mai pregatesc ceva pentru maine..."

Astept poezia tradusa integral sa nu iasa... antagonisme!
dp meu dv o sa iasa ceva extraordinar cultural, minunat ca si comunicare si haios ca si intelegere luata separat...
Ultima modificare: Miercuri, 30 Mai 2012
ContSters214874, utilizator

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